Early Intervention Strategies for Success

Sharing What Works in Supporting Infants & Toddlers and the Families in Early Intervention


On Reagan’s first visit with Cole’s family, she feels like she is “under the microscope.” Cole’s grandmother, Celia, seems wary of Reagan, and of early intervention. Cole’s physician recommended the referral due to delays with Cole’s communication, but his grandmother is not concerned. She has raised three children, all of whom, she says, “talked when they …

Today I want to share someone else’s blog post that just wow’ed me. Before you read what I write, read this short post by Lisa Reyes: Someone Asked My Son with Autism Why Eye Contact Is Hard. This Was His Answer.

As I read Phillip’s answer, I kept thinking what if we approached toddlers with this in …

Think about it. How did you learn to drive? Sure, you read the driving manual, went to a driver’s ed class, and you probably talked about driving a lot. Before getting behind the wheel, you’d observed people driving for years. Was reading, talking about the new skill, and observing someone doing it enough to prepare …

If someone had asked me this question when my son was a toddler, it would have instantly made me smile. Just thinking about his belly laugh, the way his eyes twinkled, made me feel good inside and conjured up fun times. I could have listed many things because we laughed a lot. Whenever we played with …

With 3 minutes left to the visit, Mikaela’s mother, Delia, asks “Can you stay a few extra minutes today?” She says she really needs your advice. Yesterday, the child care center director called because Mikaela bit another child. They threatened to expel Mikaela and Delia isn’t sure what to do. You pause because you know that your next …

Why do we always sit on the floor?
You know, when you think about it, it’s a really good question. Adults plopping on the floor in strangers’ homes is not normal. However, sitting on the floor to play with young children is pretty normal for folks who specialize in early childhood. Being on the floor allows us …

*What’s Your Outcome for 2015?? Share it below and maybe you’ll win a free book!*
Some of you might be thinking…oh no, not another post about new year’s resolutions. If that’s you, then breathe easy because this isn’t about resolutions most of us won’t keep. Voicing a resolution really means very little if it doesn’t have …

This really happened to me: Before heading out the door, I received a call from a mother whom I’d be seeing in about an hour. She asked if I could stop by the grocery store to pick up milk and diapers. She had no transportation and lived deep in the woods in a very rural …

Olivia’s IFSP outcome reads: “Olivia will use 20 different words to talk about her favorite people, objects, and foods when interacting with her family and child care provider each day for two weeks.” A developmental services provider alternates weekly visits between the child care center and Olivia’s home to help the important people in Olivia’s life …

Ben is joining Marissa and her mother during breakfast because Mrs. Smith asked for support with helping Marissa communicate at meals. At first, Ben just observes and chats with Mrs. Smith. He asks her what her goals are for Marissa during breakfast. She says that she really wants Marissa to say or sign “please” and “thank …

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