Early Intervention Strategies for Success

Sharing What Works in Supporting Infants & Toddlers and the Families in Early Intervention


Preemie Pop Quiz
Do you know the stats on prematurity? Take this pop quiz to see what you know and keep reading for answer and tips you can use when supporting preemies and their families!

1. A premature birth is one that occurs before ___ weeks gestation.

2. Approximately how many children are born premature each year?

3. When do …

A set of new referrals comes across your desk: two children in the same family. Twins!  Wow, you think…twice the paperwork, twice the visits, twice the fun. The funny thing is that you probably wouldn’t have balked if you’d just gotten two referrals about children from different families. Why is it that multiples in the same …

Jackie receives a call from Tate’s mother, Mrs. Comer. Mrs. Comer is really frustrated because she feels like she’s not benefiting from her visits with the physical therapist. She tells Jackie that she feels like all Alex (the PT) does is ask her questions. She says “I don’t want to just be asked questions that …

First, let me thank Lisa Terry for the idea for this post! Lisa posted “Feeling inspired” on our Facebook page during the Early Intervention Institute we hosted on Tuesday. I couldn’t agree more so decided to “borrow” her words! Thanks Lisa! 🙂

In the past 2 weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of attending and presenting at …

You’re sitting in your car between visits and your phone beeps. You check your email and find a Facebook friend request from Hakeem’s mother. You know that he’s often in and out of the hospital and she keeps her friends and family up-to-date about his health using her Facebook page. She mentioned it to you …

I’m so excited to spread the word about our latest video featuring service providers, administrators, and families talking about early intervention! Specifically, the video answers the following 3 questions: What is early intervention? What does it look like? and Why does it work?

In addition to short interviews, the video includes photos and video clips of …

This is an exciting time of year for many of us. You may be shooing your own children out the door on the first day of school (hooray for 5th grade at my house!). You may be saying goodbye to some families and welcoming others into your program. It’s a great time to reset yourself too, get …

“Parent info: Chelsea’s mother, Jill, is 15 years old.”

Reading that tiny bit of info on the referral form can spark different reactions from early interventionists, ranging from those who see working with teen parents as a great opportunity to others who just sigh, expecting a huge challenge ahead. Perhaps the best approach to meeting Chelsea’s mom …

“Jesse keeps standing up in the shopping cart. He won’t hold my hand in the parking lot either. How can I keep him safe?”

Jesse’s mom is desperate for advice. She’s struggling because, with Jesse’s developmental delays, he’s not yet understanding simple instructions very well. He also has a toddler’s typical strong will. If you were Jesse’s service …

Consider bath time for these two families:

Quenton’s bath typically happens right after dinner at about 6:15pm. He has his bath with his older brother each night. Bath time typically lasts a good 30 minutes, time enough for his dad to get both boys washed and then have time to play. Quenton’s father typically plays with the …

VCUE Logo, ITC Log, Infant Toddler Connection of Virginia Logo and Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services