Early Intervention Strategies for Success

Sharing What Works in Supporting Infants & Toddlers and the Families in Early Intervention


You’ve probably met Isaiah before. In his child care classroom, his teacher struggles to keep him at the table long enough to complete the finger painting activity or to finish his meal. He’s constantly on the move, climbing and pulling toys off the shelf. At home, his parents find it challenging to play with him …

When you first meet Xavier’s family, you learn that he and his mother live with her parents. Xavier’s grandmother “keeps” him during the day while his mom is at work. Xavier’s mother is very interested in early intervention but her mother is not. The grandmother thinks that he will talk when he’s ready and that there is nothing …

Here in VA, we are so excited to release our new video series entitled Early Intervention: A Routines-Based Approach! These videos were professionally produced, are less than 7 min each, and are available for FREE on our professional development website or on our YouTube site. I’m going to give you a quick description of each video below. I encourage you …

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
So, I’m at the office and I can’t help but overhear a Service Coordinator on the phone with an early intervention provider making the call – you know, the break up call. She tried everything to soften the news – scheduling conflict, goodness of fit, it’s not you, the family thinks …

Years ago when my son and I were receiving EI for his torticollis, I found myself surprised about how hard it was to remember to use the strategies that the PT and I practiced during our visits. She taught me to use TAMO techniques and positioning strategies and shared other ideas that I was eager to …

The quick answer to this questions is – LEAVE. That should be easy but often it is not. Think about this situation:

When you arrived at the family’s apartment, there were a lot of people milling around on the front steps. You weave your way through them and knock on the family’s door. A man who you …

We’re really good, in early intervention, at the “what ifs…” – especially when it comes to adopting new practices. When a practice feels unfamiliar or even contrary to how we were trained, it’s so easy to jump to the “what ifs” and feel like there are many reasons not to use the new information. Often, though …

The practice of early intervention (EI) is always evolving and changing as new evidence comes to light about how to support children and families. This brief summarizes a research study that examined the behaviors of caregivers of young children with autism that were associated with higher levels of joint attention and language in children. It is …

A new family is referred to your program and they bring with them a prescription for therapy. The prescription lists physical therapy 5x/week. The parents request this level of service because that’s what their pediatrician says the child needs. When you explain the difference between a medical model of therapy and the family-centered methods used …

Did you know that how a child qualifies for early intervention (EI) differs depending on where he lives?? How do children qualify in your state or country?
Early Intervention Eligibility in the US
In the US, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act outlines two ways that children qualify for early intervention services: 1) developmental delay in one …

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