eLearning, Presentations, and Webinars
Deaf-Blindness for Early Intervention Practitioners
VA’s Integrated Training Collaborative | Partnership for People with Disabilities at VCU
This course offers Early Intervention providers with content that focuses on (1) the identification of infants and toddlers with combined vision and hearing loss (deaf-blindness), (2) key instructional strategies, and (3) developmental domains. The selection of resources was guided by the Council of Exceptional Children’s Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices. Time to complete: 1 hour
C.A.T.S.: We're Here to Help Kids Move, Play, and Communicate
VA’s Integrated Training Collaborative | Partnership for People with Disabilities
Presented by Melissa "Missy' Rose, PT, DPT, C/NDT
This webinar highlights the importance of access to durable medical equipment for families in early intervention. The Children's Assistive Technology Service (C.A.T.S.), which is a free service that makes recycled equipment available to support movement, adaptive play, and communication, is described and the type of equipment that is available is showcased.
Senses & Census-ability
VA’s Integrated Training Collaborative | Partnership for People with Disabilities
Presented by Ira Padhye, M.Ed.
This archived webinar discussed characteristics and behaviors that will help early interventionists identify and support infants and toddlers who have vision and hearing loss. The presenter described the National Deaf-Blind Child Count and its importance as well as explain the how to complete the Census. She also shared information about Virginia's Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness. Click the link above to visit the 2016 Talks on Tuesdays Archive and scroll down until you find the webinar.