Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! We welcome questions, suggestions and feedback about this site so please feel free to contact us.

Thank you!

Cori Hill

Cori Hill

Principal Investigator, Project Director and Early Intervention Professional Development Specialist

Cori is the Principal Investigator and provides overall coordination and oversight for the Integrated Training Collaborative (ITC), Virginia's Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) project. She has worked in the field of early intervention for over 25 years as an infant program director, educator and service coordinator. She can be reached at and by phone at 540.943.6776.

Lisa Terry

Lisa TerryEarly Intervention Professional Development Consultant

Lisa provides support for the design and implementation of professional development activities for early interventionists. She has worked in EI for over 15 years as an educator, service coordinator, clinical supervisor. Lisa hosts the podcast, Meaningful Moments. Lisa is a certified trainer in the Growing Brain, a ZERO TO THREE curriculum. She maintains endorsement as an IMH Mentor-Research/Faculty. Lisa is the co-facilitator for DEC's Infant Mental Health Community of Practice and aRPy Ambassador. Lisa can be reached at and by phone at 757.560.1429.

Lorelei Pisha

Lorelei Pisha

Early Intervention Professional Development Consultant

Lorelei facilitates the development and delivery of professional development activities for Virginia EI practitioners. She began working in the field of infant and early childhood intervention in 2001 as an inclusion specialist. Since 2008, Lorelei has prepared early intervention and early childhood interdisciplinary personnel providing evidence-based professional development. She can be reached at and by phone at 703.772.7857.

Carrie Main

Carrie Main

eLearning Specialist

Carrie provides support for eLearning design and development, instructional design, and technical support for content experts. She manages and provides technical assistance for the eLearning Center. Carrie has been working in the field of distance education since 2005. She can be reached at and by phone at 954.451.7839.

Seth Buffkin

Seth Buffkin

Technology Communication Coordinator

Seth provides support for webinar development and production, instructional design and layout, and provides a variety of technical expertise to support content experts and end-users. He also manages the Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center website, as well as assists with the management of the Early Intervention Strategies for Success blog. He can be reached at and by phone at 804.924.7335.

Seb M. Prohn

Seb Prohn

Program Evaluator

Seb provides evaluation of ITC services and products, including evaluating trainings, conferences, webinars, e-learning opportunities, and evaluating learning needs of local system managers, service providers, and service coordinators. He has worked with the ITC since 2018. He can be reached at or by phone at 804.828.8593.

Morgan Colleton

Morgan Colleton

Project Coordinator

Morgan is the Project Coordinator for VEIPD, managing social media, resource updates, event planning, and general project coordination. Previously, she worked as a special education teacher (K-4) and a Registered Behavior Therapist for children from birth to age 5. She also has experience in specialty schools for children with autism as well as working in a variety of educational settings. Morgan later transitioned to grant work with a Richmond nonprofit, focusing on social-emotional development and educator training for service providers working with children birth to 5, leading efforts in ECSE content and teacher education. She holds a master's degree in Special Education from VCU. She can be reached at or by phone at 703.474.6224.

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