Toddler SmilingTransition

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Transition is an ongoing process during which the service coordinator, service provider(s), and the child’s family explore options for supports and services that may be accessed following a child’s discharge from the early intervention system. Here you will find resources related to helping families through the transition process. Visit the resource landing pad for information about evidence-based practices and topics; online, print, and video resources, and Virginia-specific guidance.

Click the tabs below to review the resources.

Available Resources

Virginia Specific Information


Considerations for a Smooth and Timely Transition from Part C to Part B Webinar (Recorded 3/19/24) (external website)
Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and the Department of Education

This webinar, presented by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and the Department of Education, will provide information about the transition from Early Intervention Services (Part C) to Early Childhood Special Education (Part B). The webinar will discuss Federal and State regulations, decisions that can be determined locally, program eligibility, as well as tips for how the two systems can collaborate to support families and support a smooth and timely transition. Anyone involved in the transition from Part C to Part B is encouraged to view.

Early Childhood Special Education (external website)
VA Dept. of Education

Visit this site for information about early childhood special education, including a list of qualifying disability categories.

Transition from Early Intervention (Part C) to Early Childhood Special Education (Part B) (external website)

This site provides links to information related to federal and state requirements for transition and other resources.

Transition from Part C to Part B Question and Answer Document
VA Department of Education and Infant & Toddler Connection of VA

This document includes a glossary of Part B terms as well as questions and answers to questions related to facilitating transition between early intervention (Part C) and early childhood special education (Part B).

Handouts and Documents


Early Childhood Transition Guidebook: What You Need to Know Before Your Child’s Third Birthday (external website)
PACER Center

This guidebook is published to help families learn everything they need to know about their children’s transition from infant and toddler intervention services to preschool. The guidebook explains what transition is, how and when to plan for it, how to implement a transition plan and what to do if children are not eligible for special education services.

Eligibility and Service Delivery Policies: Differences Between IDEA Part C and IDEA Part B (external website)
National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management

This document provides a snapshot overview of IDEA Part C and IDEA Part B policies in the following areas: Eligibility Criteria, Eligibility Determination, Types of Services, Service Settings, Service Recipients, Parental Rights, and System of Payments.

Transition Practice Guides for Practitioners and Families (external website)
ECTA Center

Visit this page for practice guides and checklists explaining the implementation of Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices related to transition.



Pang, Y. (2010). Facilitating family involvement in early intervention to preschool transition. The School Community Journal, 20(2), 183-198.

This article includes a review of literature on family involvement in the transition from early intervention to programs for three-year olds using the conceptual framework of family systems theory and describes family-centered practices for developing quality transition services that meet families’ needs.

eLearning, Presentations, and Webinars



CONNECT Module 2: Transition (external website)

This free module was developed by CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge and is part of a module series. In this module, you will learn about practices to help support children and families as they transition among programs in the early care and education system. This module is also available in Spanish.

Building the Legacy for Our Youngest Children with Disabilities: A Training Curriculum on Part C of IDEA 2004
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

Module 8 and its companion, Module 9, together take a detailed look at what the Part C regulations require in terms of the transition planning and activities that must occur. These modules are part of a training curriculum that covers the early intervention process. Each module includes a slide show, trainer’s guide, handouts and activity sheets for participants. Visit the site to see the full list of modules.

Module 2: Transition (external website)
Early Childhood Recommended Practices Modules

This module will help EI practitioners support the transitions of children with disabilities and their families between and among services, supports, and programs. Completion of this module will enable learners to: 1) explain program transition practices that can support a child’s successful adjustment and positive outcomes; and 2) use a variety of planned and timely strategies to support children’s successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family.


Transition Tutorials
Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia

These PowerPoint slide decks were originally used to record a series of four transition tutorial videos. Because the video files are no longer available, the slides with the script for each tutorial are available below.

Effective Strategies for the Transition Process
VA’s Integrated Training Collaborative | Partnership for People with Disabilities
Presented by Caroline Gooden

This webinar describes elements of a smooth transition process and how to develop an action plan. Click the link above to visit the 2012 Talks on Tuesdays Archive and scroll down until you find the webinar.

Getting from Here to There: Navigating the Transition from Part C to Part B – Part II
VA’s Integrated Training Collaborative | Partnership for People with Disabilities
Presented by Kathy Beasley, Ph.D., Sarah Moore, M.Ed., and Donna Rimmell, M.Ed.

This archived webinar built on the information presented in Part I. Staff from local early intervention systems and local school divisions led a web discussion about effective transition planning, communication, and collaboration at the local level. The Part C and Part B teams discussed strategies for building and maintaining a good working relationship to ensure smooth and effective transitions. Click the link above to visit the 2016 Talks on Tuesdays Archive and scroll down until you find the webinar. Part I in this series is also available on this archive page.

Getting from Here to There: Navigating the Transition from Part C to Part B – Part I
VA’s Integrated Training Collaborative | Partnership for People with Disabilities
Presented by Phyllis Mondak, M.S., M.Ed., Sarah Moore, M.Ed., and Kyla Patterson, M.S.

In this archived webinar, state staff from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and the Department of Education jointly reviewed transition requirements from both the Part C and Part B perspectives. They highlighted areas where there are overlapping responsibilities and identified policy, procedures, and timelines that are regulated as well as those that offer local determination.



Learning Bytes about Transition

Learning bytes are brief learning activities that supervisors, faculty, or other leaders can use to facilitate professional development with staff and students. These activities are designed to be of short duration and include instructions, handouts, links, worksheets and answer keys (as needed) to help you facilitate the activity with small or large groups. The learning bytes below focus on topics related to transition from Part C early intervention services. Visit the Learning Bytes page to review or download the learning bytes or look for additional activities.

Transition Checklists (external website)
ECTA Center

Visit this page for checklists that practitioners can use to reflect on their implementation of Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices related to transition.

Transition Samples
ITC of NRV-Radford University

These documents provide two samples of transition and directions for different scenarios.



Collaborating to Support Aiden (external website)
Results Matter Video Library

Because of an immune disease and the risk of infection, Aiden was not able to be near other children. This inspiring video illustrates how a homebound interventionist and a preschool teacher collaborated to enable Aiden to attend a typical preschool classroom through video conferencing. The story illustrates a number of themes, including collaboration between general and special education, teaming, the importance of reflection, family engagement, friendships, uses of technology, modifying instructional practices to include all children, administrative support, and IEP meetings.

Ruairi Goes to Preschool (external website)
Results Matter Video Library

This video tells a heartwarming story in which a family, a preschool teacher and her staff, a state technical assistance provider, and a school principal worked creatively together to enable a young girl with significant medical issues to attend a preschool classroom through video conferencing.

Websites and Programs



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